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GDA label: How much do you know about the GDA label? – test your knowledge

  1. What icons can be found on the GDA front of pack label?

  2. Where will you typically see the GDA label?

  3. What is the maximum amount of salt an adult should consume per day?

  4. What can you use the GDA label for?

  5. The GDA label gives information for:

  6. Sometimes you may see a single GDA symbol on the front of a product, what does it usually show?

  7. Which key nutrient should you keep your eye on if you are concerned about high blood pressure?

  8. What information does this GDA icon give you?

    What information does this GDA icon give you?

  9. Why have calories, sugar, fat, saturates (saturated fat) and salt been chosen to display on the front of food packs?



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